NYS 1115 Waiver Amendment Signed

TogetherNow’s Commitment to Collective Leadership

The 1115 Waiver Amendment was recently approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). $7.5 billion will be distributed throughout New York State in the next 3 years to advance health equity, reduce health disparities, and support the delivery of social care. The Waiver intends to provide better access to healthcare services for people in communities across the state who face limited income and resources.

The Amendment is searching for up to 13 Social Care Network (SCN) leads across nine regions to collaborate with localized Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to facilitate and distribute care. The goal is to help CBOs more effectively screen for and deliver Health-Related Social Need (HRSN) services for Medicaid recipients. 

TogetherNow is working with community partners to lift a collaborative application as the Social Care Network for Region 5: Finger Lakes. We embark on this journey with a deep appreciation for each community-based organization’s diverse strengths and contributions within our region.

Since 2017, TogetherNow (formerly the “Systems Integration Project”) has been dedicated to building a diverse network of service providers. We intend to expand these efforts and continue our commitment to the community in alignment with this vital Amendment.

For updates on our application and to learn more about our growing network, follow TogetherNow on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and visit our 1115 Waiver page to find upcoming virtual and in-person Community Sessions.

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1115 Waiver Amendment

NYS 1115 Waiver Amendment Signed

TogetherNow’s Commitment to Collective Leadership The 1115 Waiver Amendment was recently approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). $7.5