Celebrating Transit Equity Day: Honoring Rosa Parks’ Legacy

During Black History Month, TogetherNow strives to honor, uplift, and share the stories and history of Black Americans.

In honor of Rosa Parks, Rochester, New York’s Regional Transit Service, and the City of Rochester partnered with the Urban League of Rochester to create Transit Equity Day. February 4 celebrates Parks’ life, and the legacy she left behind that continues to inspire and motivate us decades later.

“I was so grateful to attend the celebration of Transit Equity Day: Honoring Rosa Parks’ Legacy…I hope everyone in our community has the opportunity to not only see or ride the bus but also reflect and pay homage to leaders like Rosa Parks who have sacrificed to pave a path forward for all of us.”

What will you see around Rochester to celebrate? A wrapped RTS bus with Rosa Parks’ image will be on the road throughout the month. Members of the Rochester community can also enjoy free fares on February 4th, and bus riders will find a seat for Rosa Parks reserved on every RTS bus from February 2-4.

Image Credit: RTS

Honoring and celebrating Black History out loud and in public is one important way to highlight the long fight for justice in this country, and RTS’s commitment will be traversing the city doing just that.

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